Mahoney’s Falmouth Winter Market

Visit Mahoney’s every Saturday to support local farmers and artisans inside of their warm greenhouses! The Farmers Market includes fruit and veggies, fresh loaves of bread, pastries, and pasta, meat

Mahoney’s Falmouth Winter Market

Visit Mahoney’s every Saturday to support local farmers and artisans inside of their warm greenhouses! The Farmers Market includes fruit and veggies, fresh loaves of bread, pastries, and pasta, meat

Art Exhibits

The Cahoon Museum boasts exhibits ranging from monumental and immersive installations by Soo Sunny Park to vibrantly colored cotton fiber pieces of art by Gretchen Romey- Tanzer. Enjoy big city

Sandwich Halloween Festival

Heritage Museums & Gardens is hosting a family-friendly Halloween bash with tons of activities, performances, and games Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th.  There will be a costume parade,

Sandwich Halloween Festival

Heritage Museums & Gardens is hosting a family-friendly Halloween bash with tons of activities, performances, and games Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th.  There will be a costume parade,